Wednesday, 28 December 2011


So, the Euro saga drags on. When and how it stops, nobody seems to know at this point. It's as if Europe has gone over the cliff and is in freefall; only when one or more members have some kind of landing, hard or soft, will we be able to get a true sense of the state of Europe. Until then, all we can do is look at the size of government debt, borrowing costs, unemployment figures etc. in an effort to determine how far over the cliff each member country is.

So, we bring you the digram above; eurolemmings, which shows the relative positions of 12 EU member states with regard to the factors mentioned above. As you can see, Greece and Ireland are much closer to some kind of landing than the rest of the pack. Will some benevolent wind blow in to provide some much needed updraft in those parachutes, or will the rocks below get ever closer until someone goes splat? If so, will that be the point at which the Eurozone breaks up? Who knows, we shall wait and see. In the meantime; Merry Crisis!

Click the image for a larger version.